Success series II

Everybody want to be successful but most ain't ready to pay its worth.
Success is like a destination that is reachable to those that have great zeal to be successful.

Success is not a necessity but its a good way of life. Everyone want to associate himself/herself to success. We all want to be successful but not all will pay the price.

Are you one who will pay, or are you someone who wants a free ride?

People fondly ask, What's the price for success?

Today, I will be making emphasis on single currency to price Success.
It's simple as said that success is a sacrifice that yielded bountiful harvest.

Undenial Confession
I shall be Great
I shall be sucessful
I'll give it all it takes
I won't give up no matter what.
Failure is never a defeat I'll sacrifice more!
Success is my portion of inheritance!

The goals you have in mind will not magically manifest, it needs some actions to become real. work needed to be done.
Truly speaking, Success requires sacrifice as something never comes out of nothing. That’s not how the world works. To create the momentum you need to get your desired outcomes.
Anything you want in your life is  divinely attainable but you must give something up in order to get something back.
Give and take
Giving something up could come in the form of your time, energy or money. You might need to sacrifice one of these things, or maybe a combination of these things in order to get what you want.

Sacrifice is an investment for the future. If you want to grow more, sacrifice more.

Your Investments, time, self denial, are sacrifices.

Sacrifice is part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to.

To be successful, we have to deny ourselves of something good for Something better.
#selfdenial #Success_Sacrifice #Sucess_series


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