Life And Lessons (Series II)

Secret of Happiness

Don't worry be happy, happiness is key to            healthy living 

Worries are weakness to souls but seldomly we worry so much that we forget that happiness is a better way to live. We have learnt much over the years how to make wealth while happiness have often times been neglected.

Does money translate into happiness?

People always chase money having it at the back of their minds that money can buy happiness and every other things in the world.
Far from the truth, not all rich men found happiness and not all poor men found happiness.
The truth is that happiness is a state of mind and not a mere expression of the face.
To be happiness, you don't have to be Mega Millionaire.

Though, money does increase happiness to certain degrees but once basic necessities like food, shelter and health care are secured, money falls out of state of happiness.

What's then the secret of Happiness?

 Basicly, human beings experience happiness through relationships that gives us sense of belonging, and activities and lifestyles that engage them. 
In fact, what makes people happy can be narrowed down to three categories:
Oneself,  relationships
and the circumstances of one's environment.

Let me start from Circumstances around one's life

Think about a time when you felt particularly worried when things around you pissed you off. What was it that got you worry? Is it your job, your location or material things that got you worried? It bores down to you, 
When your location is wrong, your enjoyment maybe short live. Where you ain't feeling accepted, it maybe tough to be happy.
When you are too poor, happiness maybe far off.
The truth here is circumstances around you have a role to play in your happiness. That's why you must associate with the right environment.

Your relationship

Research shows that the best indicator of a person's happiness is the quality of his or her close relationships. Whether you're talking about romantic relationships, family dynamics, or simply close friendships, the happier you are in your social engagements, the happier you are in general. 

The happiest people spend time with those they love including family, partners or friends. Intimacy with others fulfils two basic human needs – the need for social connections with others of our kind, and the need for personal growth which makes us feel fully alive.
Associate with loved ones also helps in creating a happy life.

You & Yourself

What was it that made you happy? Was it because you had loved ones near? Because you were surrounded by a beautiful things in the world? Because you had just accomplished something important? Or were you happy because you had lots of money?

To be happy, Just be your self, accept yourself and others will accept you.  Never you look down on yourself even when the world look down on you. The world will never determine your happiness 'cos if they do, you end up been worried.
You are the Key to your happiness!!! 
You are key to your relationship
You are key to your happiness!!!
Get your mindset right and stay happy always.
Happy healthy living!!!


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